neuartiges coronavirus, covid-19, 2019-ncov, sars, mers, h1n1, und grippeepidemie verbreitung mikroskopische sicht , globale tödliche virusinfektion, corona pandemie krise hautnah, mikroskopische ansicht der influenza-virus betroffen gebiete. stockvideo - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
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disinfectant is sprayed aboard an air india airplane after landing on the runway at indira gandhi international airport in delhi, india, on april 24,... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
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doctors in full ppe work on intensive care of the covid-19 ward in the martini hospital on november 10, 2020 in turin, italy. the piedmont region is... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:09
doctors in full ppe work on intensive care of the covid-19 ward in the martini hospital on november 10, 2020 in turin, italy. the piedmont region is... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:19
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medical staff help a suspected covid-19 patient who was fainted as she walked out of the brooklyn hospital center in new york, united states on april... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:23
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new york governor andrew cuomo says the city's hospitals are overwhelmed by covid-19 -- and "just days away from d-day". this week, the number of u.s... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:38
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doctors in personal protective equipment treat covid-19 patients in an intensive care unit at the third covid hospital "gvm icc istituto clinico... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
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nurse stands with a covid-19 patient during a zoom video call in a stamford hospital intensive care unit , during the coronvirus pandemic on april... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
bertin osborne speaks to the media about his health and his relationship with gabriela guillén after a concert held for covid-19 patients on april... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:42
nurse tends to a patient at the covid-19 ward of the fiera del levante hospital on december 23, 2021 in bari, italy. covid-19 cases are on the rise... - covid 19 stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
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