Arbeiter, die zusammen einen "Rasa" oder "Paneiro" (traditionelle Strohkörbe) voller Acai-Früchte in einem kleinen Boot tragen - Stock-Fotografie

Harvesting acai native from Amazon, in a traditional way. At the field, workers climb the acai palm trees tying their feet with an artisanal artifact known as "peconha", which helps them to reach the bunches to be cut. Then, threshing and scavenging operations are carried out, which consist, respectively, of releasing the fruits from the bunches and selecting them according to color or maturation stage. The fruits are packed in straw baskets, called "rasas" or "paneiros", and transported in boats to the place of sale. This entire shoot was carried out in Piquiarana-Miri river, located in Abaetetuba city (Para state), one of the most important producers of acai in the brazilian Amazon.
Harvesting acai native from Amazon, in a traditional way. At the field, workers climb the acai palm trees tying their feet with an artisanal artifact known as "peconha", which helps them to reach the bunches to be cut. Then, threshing and scavenging operations are carried out, which consist, respectively, of releasing the fruits from the bunches and selecting them according to color or maturation stage. The fruits are packed in straw baskets, called "rasas" or "paneiros", and transported in boats to the place of sale. This entire shoot was carried out in Piquiarana-Miri river, located in Abaetetuba city (Para state), one of the most important producers of acai in the brazilian Amazon.
Arbeiter, die zusammen einen "Rasa" oder "Paneiro" (traditionelle Strohkörbe) voller Acai-Früchte in einem kleinen Boot tragen
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Getty ImagesArbeiter Die Zusammen Einen Rasa Oder Paneiro Voller Acaifrchte In Einem Kleinen Boot Tragen, Stock-FotoArbeiter Die Zusammen Einen Rasa Oder Paneiro Voller Acaifrchte In Einem Kleinen Boot Tragen, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema Arbeiter, die zusammen einen "Rasa" oder "Paneiro" (traditionelle Strohkörbe) voller Acai-Früchte in einem kleinen Boot tragen von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1348739407
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