Symmetrical Greek style front, in Charlottesville, Virginia, of the famous ROTUNDA, center of the University of Virginia campus, designed by Pres. Thomas Jefferson - Stock-Fotografie

Front white columns with white pediment on top of the famous red brick exterior ROTUNDA, at Charlottesville, Virginia, center of the University of Virginia campus designed by President Thomas Jefferson which shows off symmetry in architecture and an inspiration from classical Greek Architecture. The UVA Campus was the center of a protest march against racism when students clashed with neo-nazis who came on campus with torches in 2017. Photographed at sunset or dusk.
Front white columns with white pediment on top of the famous red brick exterior ROTUNDA, at Charlottesville, Virginia, center of the University of Virginia campus designed by President Thomas Jefferson which shows off symmetry in architecture and an inspiration from classical Greek Architecture. The UVA Campus was the center of a protest march against racism when students clashed with neo-nazis who came on campus with torches in 2017. Photographed at sunset or dusk.
Symmetrical Greek style front, in Charlottesville, Virginia, of the famous ROTUNDA, center of the University of Virginia campus, designed by Pres. Thomas Jefferson
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Getty ImagesSymmetrical Greek Style Front In Charlottesville Virginia Of The Famous Rotunda Center Of The University Of Virginia Campus Designed By Pres Thomas Jefferson, Stock-FotoSymmetrical Greek Style Front In Charlottesville Virginia Of The Famous Rotunda Center Of The University Of Virginia Campus Designed By Pres Thomas Jefferson, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema Symmetrical Greek style front, in Charlottesville, Virginia, of the famous ROTUNDA, center of the University of Virginia campus, designed by Pres. Thomas Jefferson von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:915540628
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Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
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