Nuclear bomb explosions compared, chart - Stock-Fotografie

Infographic chart comparing the size and power of nuclear bomb explosions. Little Boy and Fat Man were bombs used in 1945 and produced a power of 15 kt (kilotons of TNT) and 21 kt respectively. Castle Bravo was the first in a series of nuclear weapon tests by the USA at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Tsar Bomba was a bomb created by the Soviet Union and tested in 1961. With a yield of 51,000 kt, Tsar Bomba is the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated
Infographic chart comparing the size and power of nuclear bomb explosions. Little Boy and Fat Man were bombs used in 1945 and produced a power of 15 kt (kilotons of TNT) and 21 kt respectively. Castle Bravo was the first in a series of nuclear weapon tests by the USA at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Tsar Bomba was a bomb created by the Soviet Union and tested in 1961. With a yield of 51,000 kt, Tsar Bomba is the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated
Nuclear bomb explosions compared, chart
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Getty ImagesNuclear Bomb Explosions Compared Chart, Stock-FotoNuclear Bomb Explosions Compared Chart, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema Nuclear bomb explosions compared, chart von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1472598816
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Science Photo Library
Max. Dateigröße:
5500 x 4078 px (46,57 x 34,53 cm) - 300 dpi - 7 MB
Hochgeladen am:
Marshall Islands
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