Fahrerloses Transportsystem - On-Demand-Shuttle EASY in Frankfurt - Stock-Fotografie

Frankfurt, Germany - November 21, 2022: Driverless transport system on the road in Frankfurt-Riederwald, Germany. The autonomous minibuses with the designation "Easy" are on the road on a 2.7-kilometer route that leads from Engelsplatz near the Schäfflestraße underground station to Inselinstraße. Passengers can use the RMV-EASY app to book their starting point and destination with the desired departure time and ride the shuttle free of charge. It is managed by the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsgesellschaft (RMV), the Frankfurt local public transport company Traffiq, the Frankfurt Public Transport Company (VGF), the RMV subsidiary RMS and the vehicle manufacturer Easymile.
Frankfurt, Germany - November 21, 2022: Driverless transport system on the road in Frankfurt-Riederwald, Germany. The autonomous minibuses with the designation "Easy" are on the road on a 2.7-kilometer route that leads from Engelsplatz near the Schäfflestraße underground station to Inselinstraße. Passengers can use the RMV-EASY app to book their starting point and destination with the desired departure time and ride the shuttle free of charge. It is managed by the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsgesellschaft (RMV), the Frankfurt local public transport company Traffiq, the Frankfurt Public Transport Company (VGF), the RMV subsidiary RMS and the vehicle manufacturer Easymile.
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Fahrerloses Transportsystem - On-Demand-Shuttle EASY in Frankfurt
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Fr. 335.00
Getty ImagesFahrerloses Transportsystem Ondemandshuttle Easy In Frankfurt, Stock-FotoFahrerloses Transportsystem Ondemandshuttle Easy In Frankfurt, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema Fahrerloses Transportsystem - On-Demand-Shuttle EASY in Frankfurt von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1451041272
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